Fri, 5 Feb 2010 08:21:34 -0600
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Kris and all--
I'm sorry if I misunderstood your inquiry, but this one seems a little
different. It is prohibited to include advertisements on a UThink
blog. However, I don't see any problems with using Google Ad Words to
drive traffic to a blog. You are just advertising the blog through Ad
Words, right? That seems completely reasonable to me.
I would check with the policy library, but this seems very appropriate
and still within U of M guidelines and policies. If no advertisements
appear on the blog, and the blog is not set up to make money in any way,
I think this is fine.
Head UThink geek
Kristofer Layon wrote:
> I asked the UThink people this very question last year, and they did
> say it was prohibited. But I'm just the messenger here, so I can't
> provide details or explanations...
> Kris
> Kristofer D. Layon
> Director of Web Design & Online Collaboration
> 612.624.4545 : [log in to unmask] :
> - - - - - -
> Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration
> University of Minnesota Twin Cities
> On Feb 4, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Jacob Portnoy wrote:
>> Hello-
>> I'm working with a psychologist who is studying 2-year old temper
>> tantrums. His goal is to
>> get several hundred people to send in video recordings of their
>> children throwing fits. The
>> researcher is offering $75 in compensation for the footage. Proper
>> privacy protocol will be
>> followed with the tapes.
>> My question is this: are there any U of M policies that prohibit the
>> use of a Google Ad Words
>> campaign to drive traffic to a uThink blog set up to explain the
>> study and solicit videos?
>> Many thanks.
>> -Jacob Portnoy
>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>> Academic Health Center Office of Communications
Shane Nackerud
Web Services Coordinator
Interim Co-director, Digital Library Development Lab
University of Minnesota Libraries
320 Walter Library
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