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Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 14:41:41 -0500
Reply-To: UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
From: Ken Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
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That feed is far from a typical feed. IF you only need the title, date, and description. Feedburner () is very easy.

Otherwise, I have written a little php script that prints out all the fields in the feed. You can customize with a little php and html knowledge. Let me know if you'd like it.

Ken Thompson
Student Web Developer
Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota
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On May 5, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Michelle Beaman wrote:

> We have an RSS feed from the UMN Calendar below:
> https://events.umn.edu/prod/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SCS_FEED&feedName=search_results&QueryText=dDocType+%3Cmatches%3E+%60Event%60+%3CAND%3E+dSecurityGroup+%3Cmatches%3E+%60Public%60+%3CAND%3E+%28%28xStartDate+%3E%3D+%60%3C%24dateCurrent%28%29%24%3E%60+%3CAND%3E+xStartDate+%3C+%60%3C%24dateCurrent%2890%29%24%3E%60%29+%3COR%3E+%28xEndDate+%3E%3D+%60%3C%24dateCurrent%280%29%24%3E%60+%3CAND%3E+xStartDate+%3C+%60%3C%24dateCurrent%280%29%24%3E%60%29%29+%3CAND%3E+xUMCategory+%3Ccontains%3E+%60Environment%60&SortField=xStartDate&SortOrder=Asc&ResultCount=20&SearchQueryFormat=UNIVERSAL&SearchProviders=prodevents&
> that we want to pull into our Web page here...
> http://environment.umn.edu/news_events/events.html
> Is there a painless way to accomplish this - we do want the RSS to pull in so that we can control how the font, colors, everything look so it flows with site?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Michelle Beaman
> Data & Information Systems Developer
> Institute on the Environment
> [log in to unmask] P. (612) 624-6555
> F. (612) 626-5555
> 1954 Buford Avenue
> 325 VoTech Building
> St. Paul, MN 55108 
> http://environment.umn.edu/