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Dale Trexel <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Nov 2011 13:34:12 -0500
text/plain (1155 bytes) , text/html (1433 bytes)
Thanks for the enthusiastic responses to my inquiry about responsive design
here on the list and in private. It definitely sounds like a project worth

I will be out of town for the next group meeting (once again), so I'd like
to get some feedback about how we should kick this thing off and also what
works best for communication as things move forward. Please feel free to
reply to me off-list and I'll compile responses, to avoid spamming the list.

1. Get together sometime next week (Nov. 7-11) to discuss in person?

   1.a. Date: How about a brown-bag meeting at noon on Wednesday, the 9th?
If you can't make that, alternatives?

   1.b. Location: Law School? (Easiest for me to reserve space) Are you
interested, but can't come because you're not on the Twin Cities campus?

   1.c. Virtual alternative? Or should we just jump into hashing things out

2. Ongoing communications: New Listserv to keep chatter off the web
standards list? Or Google Groups instead for more of a topic-oriented forum

3. Code repository? I've been meaning to get started using GIT, so this
might be as good of an excuse as any to dive in. Anyone else interested?
