Tue, 1 Sep 2009 15:46:51 -0500
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Kathy Allen wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a discussion back in June on this list, a few folks thought it
> would be nice to be able to use GIMP to edit images rather than
> Photoshop. In my research into GIMP, it appeared that saving a layered
> Photoshop image as a PDF would allow GIMP to open the PDF as a layered
> file.
> It's not working and I can't figure out why. I have a two-layer psd,
> one layer is a solid color, the other layer is some text. I save as a
> Photoshop PDF, open with GIMP, and the layers are gone.
> Anyone have any ideas?
A little googling turned up the following:
'The Gimp can save in, and read, Photoshop PSD format preserving layer
information so there is a degree of file interchangeability between the
two applications.'
Have you attempted to open your PSD in GIMP?
Shawn Lawler
Institute on Community Integration
University of Minnesota