Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:12:00 -0500
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Hello U of M web folk,
Our next Web Standards meeting will be this Friday, March 25th.
This Friday's topic is Web Design. While we often cover the two separately,
this will be a unified presentation on designing for the web, covering
process, prototyping, and implementation. So come join us to talk about
designing for the web.
As always, there will be free pizza!
Subject: Web Design
Discussion Leader: U of M web designers Susan Andrea and Dan Kunitz
Location: Walter 101
We'll be providing pizza at 11:30, and the presentation/discussion will
start at 12:00.
If you're planing on coming, please RSVP
Have a great week, and see you Friday!
-Dan Sagisser
Dan Sagisser
Information Architect and Web Designer
College of Education and Human Development
Phone: 612-626-1325