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Aaron Zirbes <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 15:01:51 -0600
text/plain (2030 bytes) , text/html (4 kB)
There is an MIT course available through iTunes that will teach you the
basics of setting up an iPhone application, but it's a few years old.
There are quite a few books out there on writing Objective-C applications
in X-Code.  The Apple docs are a good place to start.

Most of these things assume a basic understanding of programming concepts
(functions, classes, objects, recursion, models, views, controllers, etc...)

Somthing to think about: most new mobile apps are designed to run on iOS
and Android, so you'll want to learn both platforms, or find a framework
that can compile your app to run on both platforms.

It's a dark and twisted path your venturing down.  I wish you the best of


On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Margaret Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Just to clarify my request further. I'm looking for recommendations on
> resources for creating apps for the ipad and iphone. Thanks!
> -Margaret
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Margaret Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have recommendations for books/resources that they have
>> particularly found helpful for creating apps?
>> Thanks!
>> Margaret
>> --
>> Margaret A. Miller
>> Senior Technology Training Consultant
>> Office of Information Technology
>> University of Minnesota
>> 612-625-0316
>> http://www.oit.umn.edu/training
> --
> Margaret A. Miller
> Senior Technology Training Consultant
> Office of Information Technology
> University of Minnesota
> 612-625-0316
> http://www.oit.umn.edu/training

Aaron J. Zirbes
Application, Systems and Security Engineer
Environmental Health Sciences | University of Minnesota
200 Oak St SE Suite
| [log in to unmask] | 612-625-5464