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Sender: UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
From: Karen Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:22:45 -0500
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Hopefully this is a good place to ask this question and I apologize if it is

We conducted our first UMConnect staff meeting today with people at two
locations. Our weakest link is the microphone. We had a multidirectional
microphone (rather old) and unless people actually held it and talked right
into it, the sound was not good enough for the remote sites. This would work
if it were just a few people but we have a long table with seats for 14 and
so it wasn't possible to reach the microphone from one end of the table to

Can anyone suggest a good microphone, to use with a MAC, for a conference
room (not huge but not small either), preferably a USB connector? We want a
really powerful one that will pick up voices all around the table. We have
another meeting next week where we will be videoconferencing, so I was
hoping to maybe purchase something before Thursday.

Thanks for any assistance.
