UofMN Web Standards


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Jeremy Casper <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Oct 2011 13:33:46 -0500
text/plain (1382 bytes) , text/html (1810 bytes)
Hi All,

University Relations is currently working on a U of M Mobile Website project
that started back in August. The goals of this project are:

   - Create a U of M mobile header/footer and develop initial standards and
   guidelines for designing on mobil platforms
   - Enable users to choose to view a mobile optimized website or the
   regular U of M site
   - Identify systems or sites that should be mobile optimized in
   coordination with the U of M mobile site (i.e. campus maps)
   - Create mobile optimized pages for the following services:
      - Maps
      - People Search
      - Events
      - Login pages
      - Mobile site directory and how to submit content for it

We are working with the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and
University Services in developing some of these pages and are currently
planning to have these initial sites out by the end of the calendar year.

We would like to hear from people in the Web Standards group that have
implemented mobile sites for their own areas and are willing to share with
us their approach to their site, what their solution was, and how they
applied University branding requirements to their sites. If you are
interested, please email [log in to unmask] and we will get in touch with you. We
will also be sending updates to the list to keep you informed of how the
project is progressing.

-JeremyJ. Casper
[log in to unmask]
University Relations