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Sender: UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:36:30 -0600
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From: Wendy Volkman <[log in to unmask]>
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The Office of Human Resources is on www1.  We have no plans to make any 



Wendy Volkman
Web Manager
Office of Human Resources

Kristofer Layon wrote:
> I have some clients' sites on www1, but could happily move them.  I 
> can't think of an argument for keeping them there; I'm sure most 
> clients would gladly go to a /name.umn.edu/ domain instead of their 
> current /www1.umn.edu/name/.
> (though I'm sure, now that I said this, someone would surprise me…)
> Kris
> Kristofer D. Layon
> Director of Web Design & Online Collaboration
> 612.624.4545  :  [log in to unmask]  :  http://blog.lib.umn.edu/layo0002/work/
> - - - - - - 
> Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration
> University of Minnesota Twin Cities
> http://www.academic.umn.edu/system/
> On Jan 26, 2010, at 4:11 PM, Peter Wiringa wrote:
>> My brief input, following from both Gabe and Andre, is basically a 
>> "me too," too. I've sent some comments off list to Patton about some 
>> of our particular needs.
>> The big, big thing we'd like to see: MySQL hosting. We have a RHEL 
>> virtual machine with OIA right now, which will be the replacement for 
>> an ancient server in our closet. Since we could host our databases on 
>> the VM we had to pay for, rather than pay $15/DB more to continue 
>> hosting with JaWS, we elected to move ours. We'd prefer a centrally 
>> managed DB service for this, but it works just fine. To some extent, 
>> we have almost too much control with our VM, and are in a position 
>> where a small staff that has a lot of breadth, but not a great deal 
>> of depth (or real redundancy) in system administration, would rather 
>> go with a standard offering and contract for any necessary time by 
>> real sys admins to do a bit more work. It's not much, but we worry 
>> about operational continuity. A more restricted VM might meet our 
>> needs very well.
>> Andre's cPanel note is about a +10 for me.
>> A bigger issue for University Relations is having a plan for the 
>> future of the 'the' web hotel (www1.umn.edu). Are any other groups 
>> still hosting content on www1? Architectural and infrastructure 
>> decisions that go back to the early or mid 90s have left the 
>> centralmost web hosting in an interesting state. Look at almost any 
>> other institution out their, higher ed or corporate, and their 
>> equivalent to (www.)umn.edu is their home page, in the realm of 
>> marketing. Because central auth, people search, and other services 
>> reside on www.umn.edu <http://www.umn.edu>, other traffic is passed 
>> over to www1. Basically, the central marketing space at the 
>> University has been co-opted for technical reasons, and it's a bigger 
>> issue we'd like to see resolved, though it could understandably take 
>> years to unwind.
>> Again, anyone else on www1? What are you plans? Anyone from OIT able 
>> to share anything on this?
>> -- 
>> Peter Wiringa
>> Electronic Communications
>> University Relations
>> University of Minnesota
>> (612) 625-3252
>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>> "I gotta hold on to my angst. I preserve it because I need it. It 
>> keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be." - V. Hanna