UofMN Web Standards


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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Dec 2012 16:11:01 -0600
UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
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Computer Accommodations Program
Philip M Kragnes <[log in to unmask]>
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DAE 2013: The Art of Digital Accessibility

Call for Proposals for the 5th Annual Digital Accessibility Expo (DAE) 2013

UIC Forum
725 W Roosevelt Rd.
Chicago, IL 60608
April 22, 2013

Making digital information accessible has moved beyond the "text only" link 
on a Web site. Digital information needs to be informative, dynamic, and 
beautiful for everyone to access. The standards have been raised,  and new 
techniques in digital design allow for accessibility for people with 
disabilities and also conform to high standards in artistic web design.

The Digital Accessibility Expo Executive Committee is now accepting 
proposals for DAE 2013. The Digital Accessibility Expo (DAE) is an annual 
one day conference at the University of Illinois at Chicago and organized by 
the UIC Disability Resource Center with the focus of giving users the tools 
and information to  implement and improve digital accessibility in their 
organization. Previous DAE Sponsors include the UIC Office of the 
Chancellor, the UIC Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Persons with 
Disabilities, the Great Lakes ADA Center, the UIC Office for Access and 
Equity, the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), AccessText Network, 
the Microcomputer Science Centre Inc., and MSF&W.

Session proposals are now being accepted on a wide range of topics 
concerning digital access for all, including people with disabilities. 
Proposals which conform to the theme of making digital information 
accessible, instructional, dynamic and beautiful will give be given first 
consideration for DAE 2013. Examples of topics (but not all inclusive) 
include: Best practices in artistic Web design, AT tools for accessing 
dynamic web sites, tools for developing artistic, well organized and 
accessible sites, techniques/tools for making multimedia accessible (audio 
description, captioning), implementation of dynamic, beautiful and 
accessible sites in organizations, and digital instruction that is both 
creative and accessible.

Please submit your session proposal by filling out this online form: 

 If you are interested in doing this session remotely, please indicate that 
in your proposal description. Presenters will receive a complimentary 
registration (including parking) during the Expo.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS is January 31, 2013.  Someone from the 
Executive Committee will let you know by Monday, February 18, 2013, whether 
or not your proposal has been accepted.

If you have any other questions about the Digital Accessibility Expo, 
contact me, Kevin Price, at [log in to unmask]  or 312-413-0886.

Thank you,

Kevin Price MSW, ATP
Assistive Technology Specialist
Chair of the UIC Web Accessibility Committee Disability Resource Center (MC 

University of Illinois at Chicago Suite 1190, Student Services Building
1200 West Harrison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7163
(312) 413-0886 Fax (312) 413-778
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