Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:43:20 -0500
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Hey Michelle,
We recently embedded video from MM into our home page:
The frame size is dependent on the size if your derivative. I am not sure
if this is what you are looking for.
Best of luck,
Jenae Batt
Communications Officer
Program in Human Sexuality
On Oct 27 2009, Michelle Beaman wrote:
>We currently house the videos on Media Mill but want a player on our own
>site that can pull in the link from Media Mill so that visitors to our
>Web don't have to leave our site in order to view the videos.
>Michelle Beaman
>Data & Information Systems Developer
>Institute on the Environment
>[log in to unmask]
>P. (612) 624-6555
>F. (612) 626-5555
>1954 Buford Avenue
>325 VoTech Building
>St. Paul, MN 55108
>Zachary Johnson wrote:
>> Have you considered using Media Mill or YouTube for your videos?
>> Michelle Beaman wrote:
>>> We recently had a Web redesign done and the developer created a Video
>>> Player for our site, but they did not include sharing features.
>>> We are looking to hire someone to develop a more advanced Video
>>> Player for our site.
>>> Can anyone recommend a resource on campus, external design company or
>>> free lancer who we might contact?
>>> The current Video Player can be found here...
>>> http://environment.umn.edu/multimedia/video.html
>>> Thanks!
Jenae LC Batt
Communications Officer
Program in Human Sexuality
1300 South 2nd Street, Suite 180
Minneapolis, MN 55454
phone 612.625.1331
fax 612.626.8311