UofMN Web Standards


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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Tony Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Feb 2013 08:41:18 -0600
UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
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Correction: The food will be sandwiches this time. Not pizza as mentioned
in the previous message.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Tony Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Phil Kragnes and Tonu Mikk will present at this Friday's meeting.
> When: Friday, Feb 15 at 11:30am
> Where: Education Sciences Building, Rm 325, 56 East River Road
> Please RSVP here for pizza planning purposes:
> http://www.saa.umn.edu/webstandards/register
> Details:
> The presentation by Phil Kragnes, Computer Accommodations Program, and
> Tonu Mikk, Disability Services, will cover accessible HTML forms and the
> quarterly accessibility assessment of select UMN domains.
> They will cover the components of accessible forms. Topics for
> demonstration and discussion include the following areas:
>    - Structurally associating labels with form elements using the <label
>    for> tag.
>    - Structurally grouping and labeling sets of related form elements
>    using the <fieldset> and <legend> tags.
>    - Identification of required fields.
>    - Form validation and error identification.
> The second half of the presentation will provide an overview of a project
> in which quarterly accessibility scans of the twenty most frequented
> University of Minnesota Web sites are to be conducted and reports provided
> to each Webmaster. The presentation will cover the following topics:
>    - Impetus for providing this service.
>    - Domains to be scanned and the rational for their selection.
>    - What information the report will contain.
>    - Continued access to the HiSoftware Compliance sheriff Web
>    accessibility assessment application.
> Details here:
> http://webstandards.umn.edu/ai1ec_event/accessibility-tonu-mikk-phil-kragnes/?instance_id=27
> Thanks,
> Tony
> --
> Tony Thomas
> Web Developer
> University of Minnesota
> Student Unions & Activities
> 300 Washington Ave SE, Ste 500
> Minneapolis MN 55455
> Direct: 612-626-9820
> Fax:     612-624-7256
> sua.umn.edu <http://www.sua.umn.edu>

Tony Thomas
Web Developer
University of Minnesota
Student Unions & Activities
300 Washington Ave SE, Ste 500
Minneapolis MN 55455

Direct: 612-626-9820
Fax:     612-624-7256
sua.umn.edu <http://www.sua.umn.edu>