March 2003


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Lisa Avila <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Confocal Microscopy List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 14:03:20 -0500
text/plain (214 lines)
Search the CONFOCAL archive at


You may wish to add ITK ( and VolView to your list

ITK is an open source toolkit for segmentation and registration of 3D
volumetric data sets. This toolkit is sponsored by the National Library of

VolView is a commercial application for 3D volume visualization. In the
next version (VolView 2.0 - due out in April), VolView will support
multiple component data, and will provide plug-in access to functionality
from VTK or ITK. A "free" version of VolView (with reduced functionality
but still supporting the plug-ins) will be available, as well as a 30-day
trial of the commercial version.

You should also change your VTK link to

Lisa S. Avila
Kitware, Inc.
518-371-3971 x103

At 11:10 AM 3/12/2003, Mcnamara, George wrote:
>Search the CONFOCAL archive at
>Here's my list...
>  Leica LCS confocal software (current version is 2.5.1040 ... better than
>2.968, etc)
>  Leica LCS Lite (free minimal version of LCS)
>  MetaMorph - Universal Imaging (licensed from AutoQuant)
>  AnalyzePC -  www/
>  SlideBook - Intelligent Imaging Innovation
>  SimplePCI - Compix
>  Zeiss Image Browser
>  Amira from (nice rendering, weird interface)
>  Imaris - Bitplane
>  ImageJ / NIH Image - NIH (wayne Rasband + user addins)(freeware)
>  Scion Image - Scion port of NIH Image (use ImageJ instead)
>  Image Pro+ with 3D Constructor (licensed from AutoQuant)
>  AutoDeBlur & AutoVisualize - AutoQuant
>  VTK Viewer (freeware)
>  Tcl/TK - see VTK
>  MicroView (based on VTK) (freeware)
>  XnView (free) ...
>  NeatImage (free demo) ...
>  Osiris - (Geneva radiology dept)
>  Voxx - Kenneth Dunn (UIPUI)
>  Voxblast - Vaytek
>  IPLab - Scanalytics
>  etdips (clinical imaging i.e. radiology)
>  GIMP (
>  Fovea Pro (John & Chris Russ...Reindeer Graphics) (Photoshop plugins)
>  UTHSCSA Image
>  XV - requires Xwindows (or emulator for Windows) be running
>  LivingImage - Xenogen (for bioluminescence molecular imaging in mice, etc)
>  IDL  - general purpose visualization (and underlying engine for LivingImage
>  Matlab - matrix library - be sure to get the Image Processing toolkit (or
>all toolboxes)
>The scary part is that I have tried most of these. As usual, caveat emptor.
>George McNamara, Ph.D.
>Childrens Hospital Los Angeles - Image Core
>4650 Sunset Blvd, MS 84, SRT 1016
>Los Angeles, CA 90027
>323-669-2548 voice
>323-251-8878 cell
>323-668-7921 fax
>[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>http://shelia/image     Image Core Web (CHLA Intranet)
>\\ntapps49\home Image Core Server User Home (Intranet)
>\\ntapps49\appnotes     Image Core Application Notes (Intranet)
> CHLA Research Institute
>  Personal web site
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Bode [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 7:38 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: 3D image software for visualization, deconvolution.....
>Search the CONFOCAL archive at
>That's an impressive list!! Very nice!!
>We do have a 3D module for our analySIS software, which you might want to
>list. We also have 3D deconvolution software for confocals and brightfield.
>Michael Bode, Ph.D.
>Soft Imaging System Corp.
>12596 West Bayaud Avenue
>Suite 300
>Lakewood, CO 80228
>phone:  (888) FIND SIS
>         (303) 234-9270
>fax:    (303) 234-9271
>email:  mailto:[log in to unmask]
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Van Osta [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:09 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: 3D image software for visualization, deconvolution.....
>Search the CONFOCAL archive at
>I have composed a list of 2D and 3D software and put it om my microscopy
>and imaging webpage, scroll down a bit and you will find the title "3D
>The list not only includes 3D software, but also environments to develop
>your own 3D software routines. I am more into "industrial scale" image
>processing or High Content Screening, so I am interested in software
>libraries to use for application development.
>Best regards,
>Peter Van Osta
>Union Biometrica N.V./S.A.
>European Scientific Operations (ESO)
>Cipalstraat 3
>B-2440 Geel
>Tel.: +32 (0)14 570 619
>Fax.: +32 (0)14 570 621
>Dear all,
>We are in the process of making a wish-list for software for a new =
>Center which is to be opened in summer 2004. Our idea is that we would =
>like at
>least one license of all those packages which either (a) confocalists
>deconvolutionists usually work with or (b) are excellent anyway. We
>assume =
>a 3D or 4D image stack is already on the disk and go from there.
>none of it will be bought this year but we have to provide an idea now
>of =
>much money should be allocated to this purpose.
>So far, with the help of the confocal archive, I came up with the =
>AutoDeblur 3-D Deconvolution Software Gold Edition with AutoVisualize
>VoxBlast * 3D Visualisation
>Metamorph Offline Imaging Software with Modules for the deconvolution
>     (a) PSF and (b) blind deconvolution
>Image Pro Plus
>Adobe ELP Collection,
>Huygens Deconvolution
>Bitplane Imaris
>Improvision Volocity
>and of course my favorite ImageJ :-)
>Can you think of any other must-haves?
>Thanks for you input
>Steffen Dietzel, Dr. rer. nat.
>Department Bioligie II - Humangenetik
>Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit=E4t M=FCnchen
>Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, 80333 M=FCnchen, Germany
>phone: +49/89/2180-6728
>fax:   +49/89/2180-6719
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]  Web: