April 2015


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Craig Brideau <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Confocal Microscopy List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Apr 2015 19:49:37 -0600
text/plain (178 lines)
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Thanks! So it comes down to 'do a lit review to see what other people used'
and your own experience.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 6:45 PM, George McNamara <[log in to unmask]>

>  Hi Craig,
> I don't have an EMCCD handy to do this - see no reason to need EM anyway.
> Depends on the target and probe set. The Levesque et al 2013 SNV FISH
> paper, from Arjun Raj's lab used a CCD camera, even though the SNV site is
> detected with a single oligo with one fluorophore and single base different
> oligo with a different color fluorophore (the rest of the RNA is detected
> with up to 47 oligos, 20 bases each).
> see the key figure
> With 20x/0.7NA and Cy3 filter set, I can see GAPDH Quasar 570 (Cy3
> equivalent) by eye (room dark). I image on my lab's Hamamatsu FLASH4.0
> sCMOS camera with leica plan apo 63x/1.3NA oil lens, 500 ms or 1000 ms for
> GAPDH, sometimes to 4000 ms for Quasar 670 or Quasar 705 for a single exon
> with under 20 oligos (each oligo has one fluorophore ... most probe sets
> have 48 oligos).
> These Biosearch Tech 'Stellaris' single molecule RNA FISH probe sets also
> work in flow cytometry,
> (not the only paper, just easiest for me to cite).
> George
> On 4/7/2015 7:20 PM, Craig Brideau wrote:
> Hey George, how dim would you say is dim in this case? How do you know
> when you need an amplified solution like EMCCD vs a good sCMOS?
>  Craig
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 4:56 PM, George McNamara <[log in to unmask]
> > wrote:
>> *****
>> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
>> *****
>> Hi Valeria,
>> I recommend a 4 megapixel or 5.5 megapixel scientific CMOS camera, for
>> examples from Hamamatsu (FLASH4.0), PCO or Andor. these have the same pixel
>> size (~6.8x6.8um) but 3x more pixels than a typical CCD camera (ex ORCA-ER)
>> so 3x bigger field of view, and sCMOS have much faster focusing.
>> I've been using Bruce & Butte GPU deconvolution for (almost) instant
>> gratification deconvolution
>> See
>> and other FISH data posted at
>> for more examples. I am using the late 2013 NVidia TITAN card. The newest
>> TITAN X should be somewhat faster.
>> The free B&B Deconvolution is no longer available - see
>>  for the commercial version (disclosure: I
>> was involved in acquiring the image on their home page).
>> See     for the single RNA
>> molecule FISH vendor galleries (Biosearch Tech). If the probe set you want
>> is not part of BTI's catalogue line, takes about a week to make and ship
>> 'custom' set. With my microscope (Lumencor SOLA in single LED mode, Leica
>> DMI6000, 6 filter cubes) I recently found Quasar 705 is somewhat brighter
>> than Quasar 670 for the same probe set. Quasar 570 and CAL Fluor Red 610
>> work fine. I avoid ordering probe sets in the green since the pancreatic
>> cancer cells I FISH have high green fluorescent autofluorescence.
>> Enjoy,
>> George
>> On 4/7/2015 8:27 AM, Valeria Berno wrote:
>>> *****
>>> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>>> Post images on and include the link in your
>>> posting.
>>> *****
>>> Dear all,
>>> just a quick survey....if I need to use a widefield microscope dedicated
>>> to acquire DNA e RNA FISH slides on cell with 100X obj (all of these
>>> experiments are either with home-made probes (not very strong signal) and
>>> small cell (lymphocytes))......
>>> which source light (LED, Xenon..), but mainly which type of camera would
>>> you suggest? or even better which are the camera characteristics I cannot
>>> underrate?
>>> Thanks in advance for all your always useful replies.
>>> Valeria
>>> Valeria Berno, PhD
>>> Imaging Facility
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>>  --
>> George McNamara, Ph.D.
>> Single Cells Analyst
>> L.J.N. Cooper Lab
>> University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
>> Houston, TX 77054
>> Tattletales
> --
> George McNamara, Ph.D.
> Single Cells Analyst
> L.J.N. Cooper Lab
> University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
> Houston, TX 77054
> Tattletales