From: > Linnda Caporael > Chair, STS Chair Search Committee > > Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The Department of Science and > Technology Studies invites applications for the position of department > chair at the rank of tenured full professor. The ideal candidate has > experience in program building and will be able to facilitate > interdisciplinary collaboration among the humanities and social > sciences, and between them and other schools in the university, such as > engineering, architecture, and science. Rensselaer is an equal > opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and members > of minority groups. Send CV, letter of application, and names of three > references to Chair, Search Committee, STS Department, Rensselaer > Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180-3590. Review of applications will > begin March 1 and continue until the position is filled. The preferred > starting date is August 1, 2000.