Dear ISHPSSB list member,

The purpose of this email is twofold: first, to introduce myself as
your new listserv moderator.  Please feel free to email me at
<[log in to unmask]> concerning any suggestions for the list
or to let me know of any problems that you encounter.

Chris Young will remain ISHPSSB secretary, and he is providing me
with invaluable assistance in this time of transition.  He may be
reached at <[log in to unmask]> in relation to membership issues, the
timeline of Society activities and events, publicity for meetings,
job postings, and publications, as well as questions about who to
contact for further information.  Thanks to Chris for all of his hard
work for the Society.

Second, we would like to make sure that the listserv is serving the
Society's needs.  To that end, please fill out the short survey
below.  This is your chance to get what you want out of the listserv.

ISHPSSB listserv survey

1. The amount of traffic on the ISHPSSB listserv is:

     A. too much       B. too little       C. just right

2. I would like to see the ISHPSSB listserv send out (list as many as apply):

     A. ISHPSSB conference information
     B. Brief updates from ISHPSSB committees
     C. Position announcements
     D. Postdoctoral announcements
     E. Grant and funding opportunities
     F. Other conference announcements and calls for papers
     G. Brief queries from members on research topics
     H. Discussion of topics relating to the themes of the society
     I. Other (please specify)

3. The following scheme has been proposed for managing the ISHPSSB
listserv: when important Society news arrives (e.g., call for papers
for meeting, registration info, Grene Prize info, etc.), it will be
posted immediately, with a header indicating it is Society business.
When other items of general interest arrive, they will be saved,
posted as a group with headings only, pointing to a URL where more
info is to be found, if wanted.

I would prefer:

     A. The present scheme (all messages sent out in their entirety)
     B. The new, proposed scheme (only Society news sent in full; other
        messages sent as headings only with links to a website containing the
        full text of the messages)
     C. Some other scheme (please specify)

4. Other comments or suggestions:

Please email responses to me at <[log in to unmask]> by
October 1, 2001.  Thanks for your feedback!

Your new moderator,
Roberta Millstein
Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Department of Philosophy
California State University, Hayward
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94542

Email: <[log in to unmask]>
Phone: 510-885-3546
Fax:   510-885-2123
Website: <>