In this email: 1. A note from your moderator 2. ISHPSSB listserv survey (repeated) 3. Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellowships 4. A petition regarding the events of Sept. 11 --------Message 1 of 4: A note from your moderator--------- Dear ISHPSSB list members, I'd like to thank everyone who has responded to our ISHPSSB survey so far, and to remind those of you that have not yet responded that there is still time to have your voice heard (the deadline is Oct. 1). For your convenience, I have repeated the survey in message 3 below. Speaking of previous messages to the list, I'd also like to call your attention to the availability of archives of previous postings to this list. They can be accessed at: Finally, and on a more somber note, I want to express my condolences to those of you who have lost friends and loved ones in the terrorist attacks of September 11. You will note that the fourth message of this email pertains to a petition regarding the appropriate response to this tragedy. After a member requested its posting, I thought long and hard about whether such a message was appropriate for this list. While I feel strongly that this is an international issue, its relevance to studies of biology is less clear. But perhaps sometimes circumstances outweigh the rules we have set up for this list. In the end, I decided that it was better for members to see the petition for themselves and to make their own choice. I apologize to anyone who feels that it is an inappropriate use of the list and let me emphasize that it is not intended to reflect any official position of the Society. Peace, Roberta Millstein ISHPSSB list moderator --------Message 2 of 4: ISHPSSB listserv survey (repeated)--------- 1. The amount of traffic on the ISHPSSB listserv is: A. too much B. too little C. just right 2. I would like to see the ISHPSSB listserv send out (list as many as apply): A. ISHPSSB conference information B. Brief updates from ISHPSSB committees C. Position announcements D. Postdoctoral announcements E. Grant and funding opportunities F. Other conference announcements and calls for papers G. Brief queries from members on research topics H. Discussion of topics relating to the themes of the society I. Other (please specify) 3. The following scheme has been proposed for managing the ISHPSSB listserv: when important Society news arrives (e.g., call for papers for meeting, registration info, Grene Prize info, etc.), it will be posted immediately, with a header indicating it is Society business. When other items of general interest arrive, they will be saved, posted as a group with headings only, pointing to a URL where more info is to be found, if wanted. I would prefer: A. The present scheme (all messages sent out in their entirety) B. The new, proposed scheme (only Society news sent in full; other messages sent as headings only with links to a website containing the full text of the messages) C. Some other scheme (please specify) 4. Other comments or suggestions: Please email responses to me at <[log in to unmask]> by October 1, 2001. Thanks for your feedback! --------Message 3 of 4: Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellowships --------- Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellowships invites applications for 2002-2003 Fellowships Fellowship opportunities are available at the Chemical Heritage Foundation's Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry. The Beckman Center hosts scholars from all parts of the world through its fellowship and scholarship programs. It administers several different fellowships for both the academic year and the summer. They include six Academic Year Opportunities as well as two Summer Opportunities. Research Travel Grants are also available. Details of these fellowships can be found online at: or by contacting the Fellowship Coordinator, Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106-2702; Fax (215) 925-1954; email: [log in to unmask] --------Message 4 of 4: A petition regarding the events of Sept. 11--------- Please read the following letter, if you have a moment. I am hoping it might represent the views of the majority of the academic establishment. Please send it on to colleagues in the academic community. Ask them to send a signed copy back to me ([log in to unmask]), and to forward it to their own colleagues, who might be interested. I will organize the signatures and remove duplicates, if any: Jordan B. Peterson Department of Psychology University of Toronto [log in to unmask] To President G.W. Bush and the Members of the U.S. Congress: The events of the past few days have made everyone understand how vulnerable a free and open society is to mass destruction and terror. But this terrible vulnerability is part of the strength of such a society, not a hallmark of its weakness. It takes courage to allow the free movement of people and ideas. That courage is predicated on voluntary acceptance of great risk, and not upon ignorance of its likelihood. The immediate response to such a catastrophe is anger and hatred. But the system of laws that supports the US and its allies has been designed by generations of great people to ensure that anger and hatred are never given the final word. Justice, truth, and respect for individual differences are principles whose power far outweighs the thoughtless desire for revenge. More importantly, revenge breeds revenge. It seems terribly dangerous to provide individuals motivated precisely by the desire to increase pain and suffering the luxury of the war they so much desire. Such a war turns them from rigid, totalitarian cowards to soldiers; from failures who are willing to prey upon the innocent to heroic exemplars of the fight against overwhelming external oppression. The craven acts of terrorism perpetrated in New York and Washington are dignified intolerably by their classification as acts of war. The individuals who perpetrated these appalling events must be regarded and treated as criminals, as international pariahs, who have committed crimes against humanity, and who must be brought publicly and rationally to justice. Our great technological power makes us increasingly vulnerable to the rigid madness of the ideologically committed and resentful. To turn against such madness with indiscriminate revenge seeking is merely to react in the same primitive and deadly manner. To risk the slaughter of innocent people in the hunt for such revenge is to absolutely ensure that constant episodes of international terror will come to be the hallmark of 21st century existence. The entire world stands behind the US, in the hope that the commission of crimes against civilization can be exterminated. Such solidarity was absolutely unthinkable even fifteen years ago. The US therefore has an unparalleled opportunity to demonstrate its unshakeable commitment to its own principles, particularly under such conditions of extreme duress, and to provide the world with the hope that democracy and freedom can truly rise above the parochial ideological madness of the past. Such a demonstration would truly lift the American state above all past national institutions, and would continue the tradition of great spirit that allowed for the rehabilitation of Germany and Japan after the Second World War. Perhaps the events of September 11 might therefore be regarded as the last war of the second Christian millennium, instead of the first war of the third. In consequence, we implore you to react with discrimination, to target only those truly responsible, and to avoid the cruel and thoughtless errors characterizing humanity's blind and ethnocentric past. Please punish only the guilty, and not the innocent. Otherwise the cycle of terror that seems an ineradicable part of human existence will never come to an end. Sincerely, 1. Jordan B. Peterson, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, [log in to unmask] 2. Daniel C. Dennett, University Professor, Director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University, [log in to unmask] 3. Steven Pinker, Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), [log in to unmask] 4. Hilary Putnam, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, [log in to unmask] 5. Nicholas Humphrey, School Professor, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, [log in to unmask] 6. Joan McCord, Professor, Criminal Justice Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, [log in to unmask] 7. Endel Tulving, Rotman Research Institute of Baycrest Centre, 3560 Bathurst Street, Toronto M6A 2E1, [log in to unmask] 8. Paul R. Lawrence, Donham Professor, Emeritus, Organizational Behavior Unit, Harvard Business School, [log in to unmask] 9. Arnold Modell, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, [log in to unmask] 10. Janet Polivy, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, [log in to unmask] 11. Charles Helwig, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, [log in to unmask] 12. Chris Westbury, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, [log in to unmask] 13. George Mandler, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Ca 92093 14. Jean M. Mandler, Research Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 15. David LeMarquand, Psychologist, North Bay Psychiatric Hospital, North Bay, ON, CA, [log in to unmask] 16. Corinne Santa, Principal, G. Theberge School, Temiscaming, Quebec, CA, [log in to unmask] 17. Jean R. SÈguin, Department of Psychiatry, UniversitÈ de MontrÈal, [log in to unmask] 18. Myriam Mongrain, Professor, York University, Department of Psychology, Toronto, Canada, [log in to unmask] 19. Romin Tafarodi, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, [log in to unmask] 20. Paul Wong, Professor, Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada, [log in to unmask] 21. R. Mara Brendgen, Department of Psychology, UniversitÈ du QuÈbec ý MontrÈal, CA, [log in to unmask] 22. Jean Toupin, Department of Education, UniversitÈ de Sherbrooke, QuÈbec, CA, [log in to unmask] 23. Richard W. Price, M.D., and Mrs. Ellen Price, Neurology Service, Room 4M62, San Francisco General Hospital, 1001 Potrero Ave., San Francisco, CA 94110-3518, [log in to unmask] 24. Raymond H. Baillargeon, Ph.D., Chercheur, Centre de recherche de l'HÙpital Sainte-Justine 3175, CÙte Sainte-Catherine, MontrÈal, Canada, [log in to unmask] 25. David Pincus, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio, [log in to unmask] 26. Mihnea Moldoveanu, Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, [log in to unmask] 27. Gerald C. Cupchik, Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, [log in to unmask] 28. Bernie Schiff, Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, [log in to unmask] 29. Keith R. Happaney, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, [log in to unmask] 30. Paul A. Spiers, Ph.D., Clinical Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 31. Kathleen O'Craven, fMRI Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre 3560 Bathurst St, Toronto, OntarioM6A 2E1 Canada, [log in to unmask] 32. Douglas F. Watt, Ph.D., Director of Neuropsychology, Quincy Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine, [log in to unmask] 33. Jean Rife, Department of Music and Theatre Arts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, [log in to unmask] 34. Robert Soussignan, Laboratoire VulnÈrabilitÈ, Adaptation et Psychopathologie CNRS UMR 7593, HÙpital de la SalpÍtriËre, Paris, France, [log in to unmask] 35. Alison S. Fleming, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada, [log in to unmask] 36. Shitij Kapur, MD,FRCPC,PhD, Canada Research Chair in, Schizophrenia and Therapeutic Neuroscience, Associate Prof. Psychiatry, Univ. Toronto, Research Scientist, PET Centre, Section Head, Schizophrenia Research, [log in to unmask] 37. Stephen K. Levine, Professor of Social Science and Social and Political Thought, York University, [log in to unmask] 38. James V. Wertsch, Professor and Co-chair, Program on International and Area Studies, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 39. Irving Zucker, Dept. of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, [log in to unmask] 40. Kay E. Holekamp, Professor, Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, USA, [log in to unmask] 41. Eilenna Denisoff, Lecturer, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, [log in to unmask] 42. Geoff Sayre-McCord, Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, [log in to unmask] --------End of messages--------- -- Professor Roberta L. Millstein Listserv Moderator, International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology <> Snail mail: Department of Philosophy California State University, Hayward 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. Hayward, CA 94542 Email: <[log in to unmask]> Phone: 510-885-3546 Fax: 510-885-2123 Home page: <>