Hey everybody, The national AMSA is having a competition for anyone who joined AMSA in the last two years. IF YOU ACTIVATE YOUR MBNA CREDIT CARD, YOU WILL BE PUT IN A LOTTERY TO WIN ONE OF TWO $5,000 SCHOLARSHIPS!!! Okay, enough my Ed McMahon side coming through... I guess my attachment did not go through yesterday. So, I will include it in the text of this message. Please contact me with questions, comments, etc. Take care, Celia POSITION DESCRIPTIONS All co-chairs work together to check in with the various projects, see what the project needs are, work with the project coordinators to assist them in achieving their goals, and may coordinate projects themselves. Second Year Co-Chairs --Help orient first-years to AMSA and what we have done and are planning to do. --One will serve as a representative to the National AMSA office. --One will serve as a representative to the other student groups on campus to see what other groups are doing, how we can collaborate, and making sure that we are not repeating projects. --Help out as needed with fundraising. First Year Co-Chairs --Help coordinate projects and check in with project coordinators. For example, one co-chair could be in charge of making the journal club happens after a lecture is organized or could help organize a lecture. --Both will be active in fundraising, including thinking of methods to fundraise and working with the treasurer in dealing with the finances. --One will take minutes at each meeting and send out a report to the list serve ([log in to unmask]) afterwards. Treasurer—Lisa Blonigen --Takes charge of bank account. --Deposits checks and writes checks to those who have spent money. --Makes sure that we are registered as a University group. Project/Activities Coordinators --These positions are VERY flexible; they are based on what people are interested in doing. --Currently, we have Aaron Rutzick heading up a branch of the “No Free Lunch” pharm initiative (check out the website at www.nofreelunch.org), and Quy Ton working with global health and human rights. --We also hope to do something for World AIDS Day as part of a coalition of many campus groups. We are looking for somebody (or two somebodys!) to coordinate this project. **As you all know, we are just getting AMSA started up again so we are flexible in our structure and in what you all want to do. Any suggestions, comments, or questions are encouraged. You can e-mail Celia at [log in to unmask], Quy at [log in to unmask], Amy at [log in to unmask], Aaron at [log in to unmask], Mandy at [log in to unmask], and Todd at [log in to unmask] If you are interested in any of these positions, working with a current project, or starting up a new project area, please contact Celia at [log in to unmask] by November 1st.