Official ISHPSSB Announcement: Fall Newsletter
Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

(see the end of this message for directions on how to subscribe and unsubscribe from this listserv)

The Fall 2003 ISHPSSB Newsletter is now available as a .pdf file on the Society website:

Due to delays in printing and mailing, members will not receive a copy in the mail until after the New Year.
If you are not a member and would like to receive a hard copy, please contact Chris Young at [log in to unmask].

If you are a member and would like to save the Society mailing costs by downloading your copy from the website, you may drop Chris a note that simply says, "No need to mail Newsletter."

Chris Young
ISHPSSB Secretary

*** End of announcement

 Send an email message to:
       [log in to unmask]
 with the following in the body of the message:
        SUBSCRIBE ISHPSB-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname
 For example, if your name were Gregor Mendel:
        SUBSCRIBE ISHPSB-L Gregor Mendel

 Send an email message to:
       [log in to unmask]
 with the following in the body of the message:
Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
Listserv archives:
Snail mail:
Department of Philosophy                 
California State University, Hayward
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.    
Hayward, CA 94542

Email: <[log in to unmask]>
Phone: 510-885-3546
Fax:   510-885-2123
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