To anyone who is frustrated with the current political situation:
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Eleanor Kelley, a second year.
My dad, Steve Kelley, is running for governor for the DFL party in MN and we
would love your support in this race. There are two ways you can help out in
the next few weeks.
High Yield:
When: Thurs. Feb. 23 from 5:30-6:30/7ish
What: Fundraiser for Steve Kelley
Where: campus club, 4th floor of Coffman
This is an opportunity to hear my dad speak about issues that are important
to him and hear why he's running for governor.
There will also be an opportunity to contribute money, but this is certainly
not required.
Just FYI: In Minnesota, individuals can donate up to $50 to a campaign and
have it refunded in 3-4wks.
Attend your precinct caucus on Tuesday, March 7 at 7pm for FIVE MINUTES. Even
if you can only stay for 5 minutes, you can cast your non-binding
gubernatorial preference ballot. People will be paying attention to the
results of this vote, so it'd be awesome if my dad had a strong showing. And
if you'd like to go on to the next step and become a delegate to your Senate
District convention, you can drop off a proxy letter stating so. To find out
where to go, you can go to or the campaign website or call the office at 763-544-1698.
I have also included a letter from a Kelley supporter talking about why she
supports my dad, I feel it's more unbiased than something from me. Please
contact me if you would like more info or have any questions,
[log in to unmask].
Thanks so much,
Eleanor Kelley
About Senator Kelley:
I am a strong supporter of Senator Kelley's bid to become Minnesota's next
DFL governor.
I've known Senator Kelley for many years both personally and in his role as
senator for St. Louis Park/Hopkins/Golden Valley. Steve served as Chair of
the Senate Education Committee and ousted former Commissioner Cheri Pierson
Yecke, who wanted to make "Intelligent Design" part of Minnesota's science
standards. Senator Kelley was also instrumental in breaking the
end-of-session gridlock and state government shutdown by forming a
bi-partisan group that worked behind the scenes to increase education funding
while preventing cuts to health care services.
The list of Steve's accomplishments is too long to include in this letter.
Let me summarize by emphasizing that Sen. Kelley has the most important
qualities we need in a new governor – he's smart and he has integrity. He's
not a wedge issue kind of guy (but he's on the right side of those
issues...). Posturing and pandering are not his style. Instead, time and time
again, he's reached out and brought people together to get the job done. You
can learn more about Steve at