AMSA- Let me know if you want to attend then National Conference (information below). We will meet on Monday in Moos 2-680 to finalize who will be going, but I need your input via email. We need to register by Feb 28th, which is upon us. Email me please, if you want to attend the conference. First-years, this is your opportunity to get learn what AMSA has to offer you (and you, it). Email me back, Josh Lackner AMSA's 56th Annual Convention Transforming Passion Into Action: A New Era of Physician Advocacy March 29-April 2, 2006 Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL Q: Why Should YOU Come to the 56th Annual Convention? A: There are many reasons! Here are just 10. 10. BACK TO OUR BIRTHPLACE FOR A NEW ERA OF PHYSICIAN ADVOCACY. The AMSA National Convention has the power to open your eyes to the most important issues in medicine. Since the birth of SAMA in Chicago in 1950, we have been about transforming student idealism into meaningful public service, innovation, and institutional change. Being a physician-advocate is about many things, and our Convention will bring together a community of medical student and physician-leaders to discuss what it means to be a physician who is an advocate for their community and world. 9. KICKOFF SYMPOSIUM ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29—TRANFORMING THE CULTURE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION AND PHYSICIAN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Arrive on Wednesday for a whole day of training on medical education and leadership development. As a completely student-run organization, we are all about developing and training socially-responsible student leaders. This day will feature everything from residency panels to physicians discussing what it is like to be a leader in the international health, public health, and health policy arenas. 8. INSPIRATIONAL KEYNOTE SPEAKERS. A record number of keynote speakers—six (6!)—are attending this year. Confirmed keynotes include: Dr. Susan Wood, the former highest ranking woman in the FDA who resigned over the Plan B controversy; Dr. Lori Alviso Alvord, the first Navajo woman surgeon and author of The Scalpel and the Silver Bear; Dr. Eric Whitaker, Director, Illinois Dept of Public Health and AMSA President '91-92; former Assistant Surgeon General and physician-activist Dr. Fitzhugh Mullan; and international health and HIV/AIDS specialist Dr. Mick Alkan. And don't miss the featured keynote debate on Thursday between Dr. Paul Antony, Chief Medical Officer of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), and Dr. Bob Goodman, founder of the organization, No Free Lunch! 7. CLASSIC AMSA PROGRAMS. "Health Policy 101," "Healing Circle", "Diversity Shuffle", "Bioethics Battle", and political action training workshops. Your Action Committees and Interest Groups have put together over 100 sessions total! 6. AMSA's HOUSE OF DELEGATES. This is where you deliberate on official policy of the Association and decide where AMSA will head in the future! Come and make sure that YOUR school's voice is represented! 5. CLINICAL SKILLS WORKSHOPS. Learn and practice suturing, casting, and airway management. 4. CONTROVERSIAL AND TIMELY DISCUSSIONS. Learn about the pharmaceutical industry and its advertising practices, the medical malpractice issue, disparities and minority health, stem cell research, among other topics. 3. RALLY FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE! It's time to show Chicago that thousands of medical students care about our patients! Come and rally for "Everybody In, Nobody Out!" in the heart of downtown Chicago! 2. LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES. Run for one of our 125+ national position in AMSA's Action Committees, Interest Groups, or Board of Trustees, and the other people in our entirely student-run, 60,000-member, multi-million dollarorganization! More info at 1. MEET THOUSANDS OF MEDICAL STUDENTS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! AMSA's Annual Convention is THE event for meeting, socializing and developing new relationships with other medical students from across the country. This is by far the largest gathering of physicians-in-training in the country, with over 1,500 students expected from more than 300 schools. Don't miss the AMSA National Convention! Early-bird Registration is due February 28, 2006. Visit or contact Leana Wen, AMSA President, at [log in to unmask] for more information. See you in Chicago! AMSA's 56th Annual Convention Transforming Passion Into Action: A New Era of Physician Advocacy March 29-April 2, 2006 Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL