Hello Everybody, Please send me an email with any progress that has been made. I will send out another email once I've heard from you guys. I have heard from a lot of you so if you have emailed me with the past 4 days no worries. I have two updates, we have decided on holding the Benefit concert on Friday November 30 at Picosa ( http://picosarestaurant.com/home.asp). Its a great venue and they have been very cooperative with our needs. We also have an edition to our speakers. Dr. Alan Lifson ( http://www.sph.umn.edu/faculty/bio.cfm?x5=lifso001) And possibly Dr. Miles will be holding a joint lecture. Dr. Lifson will be talking about Public Health and research aspect of global AIDS while Dr. Miles will be touching on logistical side of doing international AIDS work. Dr. Lifson is confirmed and I should hear back from Dr. Miles by the end of the week. Please let me know how your work is coming, so far we are doing very well! I will send another email within the next few days. Jeremy -- Jeremy Johnson University of Minnesota Medical School email: [log in to unmask]