Hi everyone,

Just a reminder, in case you've deleted the numerous emails from national AMSA, that the deadline for abstract submission is this Tuesday (1/8).  If you have specific questions about the process, you may want to contact second year med student Tom Kurvers, who presented a poster at last year's convention.  See below for a few details.


Call for Abstracts: 13th Annual AMSA Poster Session
AMSA’s Annual Convention will feature the 13th Annual Poster Session sponsored by the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and the AMSA Foundation on Thursday, March 13, 2008. Abstract submissions will be accepted in the following areas:
Award of $250 will be given for the best poster presentation in each of the above areas. Hurry, deadline for abstracts is Tuesday, January 8, 2008. Electronic submission is preferred at www.amsa.org/conv/posterapp.cfm. Please contact Vieng Rattanong at 703-620-6600, ext. 299, for more information.