AMSA's women's health committee and Medical Students For Choice are co-sponsoring a lunch lecture tomorrow, designed to give everyone the basics of effective health policy lobbying. Details are below and I hope to see you there! Hannah [log in to unmask] Lobbying 101: Kathleen Murphy, a lobbyist from Midwest Health Center for Women, and Dr. Michele Van Vranken, a lobbyist and family physician specializing in adolescent health will present an overview of effective lobbying strategies and will share their experiences working on legislation. When: Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 12:15pm - 1:15pm Where: BSBE 2-101 (Hasselmo Hall) Why: Learn the basics of effective lobbying. This will be a great way to learn skills and get excited for Pro-Choice Lobby Day at the Capitol, Tuesday, March 4, 2008. Lunch will be provided by MSFC and AMSA's women's health committee.