Hi folks!

The bake sale is this thursday, thanks to everybody for offered to  
bake! We still need people who are willing to contribute, so if  
anyone has time to whip something together, it would be greatly  

What we really need is people to man the tables.  We will have one  
table set up near the first years' classroom, and one near the second  
years.  The first years have the guthrie presentation of Miss Evers'  
Boys from 10-12, and I know I really don't want to miss that, so  
hopefully some second years can cover for us during those two hours.

Let me know if you can help out!  We need 4 people in each 1 hour  
spot, so let me know your availability and I'll try to even things  
out among everybody and send out a schedule.

7AM-8AM  Mostly set-up: Ann and Joy

To the bakers!

Thanks Susan, Rhamy, Preeti, Carolyn, Kate, Jessica, (Anne?) and  
Nancy for volunteering!
Just make sure you package the baked goods in such a way that people  
could walk away and save it for later if they want.  Individually  
wrapped stuff works well, and try to package things into $1 sized  
amounts.  The sale will start at 7:45, please drop half your goods at  
each table.

Thanks again,