Hi guys! I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to spring. This Tuesday we'll be hosting a final Health Policy and a Pint for this year...before the 1st years hit finals and the 2nd years disappear to study for the boards. We're going to be talking about health care financing...taxes vs. premiums vs. co-payments vs. health savings accounts...because the money for increased coverage has to come from somewhere. So...come on out to the Kitty Kat Club, have a beer ($2 bottles of EVERYTHING), talk, listen, learn, teach, argue etc (If you haven't already heard Anne's HSA rant, it's not to be missed.) Anne will be posting some background materials to the fantastic AMSA health policy blog, so check it out! http://umnamsa.blogspot.com/ See you Tuesday!! Hannah What: Health Policy and a Pint: Health care financing When: Tuesday April 8th, 5-7pm Where: Kitty Kat Club (313 14th Ave SE in Dinkytown)