Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

(see the end of this message for directions on how to subscribe and unsubscribe from this listserv)

This listserv sends out brief descriptions only.  For further details, follow the link listed.
Please send me items to post to the list that would be of interest to Society members:  position announcements, postdoctoral announcements, grant and funding opportunities, conference announcements, calls for papers, and brief queries on research topics.  The sooner you send me something, the more likely that I will be able to have it posted before its deadline.


Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

1. The Virginia Tech Darwin Celebration Committee announces the call for papers for a conference on Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species after 150 Years, November 4, 2009 (20 days before the sesquicentennial of the publication of the Origin) at Virginia Tech's Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center in Blacksburg, Virginia.  Deadline for abstracts: May 15, 2009.

2. The University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) invites applications for an open-rank, tenure-track faculty position in Social Sciences/Humanities (preferred areas are history, philosophy, or social psychology) for its degree program, the Bachelor of Science in the Health Sciences (BSHS).  Review of applications began on January 15, 2009, but will continue until the position is filled, so submit as soon as possible

3. Yale University invites applications for a two year postdoctoral fellowship in the Section of the History of Medicine, School of Medicine, beginning 1 July 2009. Historians working on any geographic area of the history of medicine since 1800 are encouraged to apply, but preference will be given to applicants whose primary research interests are in the history of women's health or in the history of health advocacy.  The deadline for submission is March 1, 2009, but applications will be considered on a rolling basis as they are received, and therefore applicants are encouraged to submit as soon as possible

4. Spaces remain for researchers (including graduate students) and teachers who are interested in moving beyond their current disciplinary and academic boundaries to explore "heterogeneity," especially in processes of development over the life course, for a workshop in Woods Hole, MA, "Heterogeneity and Development: Methods and Perspectives from Sciences and Science Studies."

5. The International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group (IHPST) announces the call for papers for the IHPST Tenth International Conference, June 24-28, 2009, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.  Proposals are welcomed in all areas and periods of history and philosophy of science with implications for theoretical and pedagogical issues in science and mathematics teaching. Philosophers of education are also invited to contribute to these same issues.  Deadline for proposals: March 23, 2009

6. Scholars working in the area of history of evolutionary studies in Britain between WW1 and WW2 are invited to participate in a publishing project.  The goal is to create an anthology of peer-reviewed scholarly papers that both add substantively to the topic and relate the subject to historiographical themes in the broader history of science community. Proposals and queries are being sought now, with the goal of submitting papers by 15 September 2009

7. The journal Eighteenth-Century Thought welcomes papers and substantive discussion notes examining early modern thought pertinent to the fields of philosophy, natural philosophy, medicine, law, historiography, political theory, religion, economics, and the human sciences as they were conceived and pursued from the mid seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century. The journal is interested not only in publishing individual essays in these disciplines, but is especially interested in publishing studies that are themselves interdisciplinary, embodying methods or subject matter from more than one of these disciplines.

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Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

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Department of Philosophy
University of California, Davis
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Davis, CA 95616-8673

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