[log in to unmask]"
type="cite">Eric Meyer just announced the 2010 dates for An Event
Apart, and they're coming to Minneapolis next year!
Mark your calendars and start sweet-talking your supervisors
now, as you do *not* want to miss this wonderful educational
opportunity if you make web sites for the U.
AEA is worth every penny, and we should also take advantage of
their discounts when it's time to register (either the educational
discount, or group - 6th person free for every 5 who pay - but they
can't be combined, so we'll have to calculate whether one is better
than the other).
For more information and links to AEA's Facebook group, Ning
site, or email list, visit the AEA web site at:
Kris Layon
Kristofer D. Layon
Director of Web Design & Online
- - - - - -
Office of the Senior Vice President for
System Academic Administration
University of Minnesota Twin Cities