If you're looking for live streaming (of an event), that's true. But if you just want to stream prerecorded content, Media Mill will automatically do that in certain cases.
If you have a flash derivative that's larger than 100 megabytes, the media mill flash player automatically streams it instead of doing progressive download. So, if you were server a two hour lecture, the viewer could skip to any point in the video without waiting. (you can disable this entirely in your preferences)
If you wanted to force media mill to stream all flash content, regardless of size, you could make a subclip of the media that started at 00:00 and ended at the end of the clip - subclips are always streamed.
On Sep 3, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Kathleen McGee wrote:
it is my understanding that mediamill does not allow for streaming..only progressive download.
Nate Sigrist wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite"> Unless I am misunderstanding you:
Nathaniel Sigrist Web Developer
Direct: 612-625-4118
Mobile: 651-399-3486
[log in to unmask] Academic Health Center Office of Communications
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Kathleen McGee wrote: [log in to unmask]" type="cite">Does anyone know of a flash video server (here at the U) that can be used to stream a video...or suggestions for a server that could be used. Thanks.
Colin McFadden
CLA Video Services
University of Minnesota
Office: (612)-626-6646
Cell: (612)-702-0779
Fax: (612)-624-0017