Hello Friends, I just wanted to remind everyone again of the *preventive cardiology lunch lecture TOMORROW, Thursday, November 12th at 12:15pm in MT 2-520*. Dr Jay Cohn <http://www.med.umn.edu/cardiology/faculty/cohn/home.html>, an internationally recognized preventive cardiologist and Director of the U's Rasmussen Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, has graciously accepted our invitation to speak on Thursday, November 12th. His lecture, titled *"Progression of Cardiovascular Disease: A New Target for Therapy,"*will focus on his current work in early identification of cardiovascular disease and initiation of therapy to prevent organ system disease before it develops! A few of us had the privilege of hearing him speak at last year's Grand Rounds, and he was an excellent speaker who is very passionate about cardiovascular disease prevention. Again: *Where*: MT 2-520 *When*: November 12th, 12:15pm *Food*: Potbelly's and veggie trays! *Sponsoring Student Groups*: Cardiovascular Disease Interest Group (CDIG), with contributions from the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) We hope to see you all there! Sincerely, Cori Russell University of Minnesota Medical School-MS2 Cardiovascular Disease Interest Group (CDIG), Co-President American Medical Student Association, President