On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Jake LaSota wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've got a form that's receiving a bunch of ugly automated  
> submissions. Does anyone know of a good captcha code/plug-in?
> I've found a few, but I'm sure there's something better floating  
> around out there.
> Perhaps there's a better technique than using a captcha to stop  
> these submissions?

What's your environment? Are you running some sort of common CMS, or  
JS library? That might guide your options.

You'll want to carefully consider your audience and do a cost-benefit  
analysis here. The common CAPTCHAs are generally (but not always) both  
bad for usability/accessibility and mostly-defeated. Do your research  
(or take an opinion from someone that you trust has done it, and  
