New books, positions, CFPs
Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

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This listserv sends out brief descriptions only.  For further details, follow the link listed.
Please send me items to post to the list that would be of interest to Society members:  position announcements, postdoctoral announcements, grant and funding opportunities, conference announcements, calls for papers, and brief queries on research topics.  The sooner you send me something, the more likely that I will be able to have it posted before its deadline.


Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

1. New book by Alan G. Cock and Donald R. Forsdyke, Treasure Your Exceptions: The Science and Life of William Bateson. Through the life of this orchestrator of the turn-of-the-century revolution in biology, the authors reconcile the genocentrism of George Williams and Richard Dawkins with the hierarchical thinking of Richard Goldschmidt and Stephen Jay Gould.

2. The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) announces the launch of its new journal: European Journal for Philosophy of Science (EJPS) and welcomes submissions via the on-line portal.  EJPS is the official journal of EPSA and will appear three times a year, beginning in January 2011.

3. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a world-renowned research and educational institution seeks for a highly qualified individual who will carry out research in preparation for writing a grant proposal for a major, multi-year project in the history of biology, and will assist in writing the proposal.

4. Call for Papers - Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science - Volume 4: Scientific Instruments: Knowledge, Practice, and Culture. Submissions are welcome from scholars in all disciplines, including but not limited to HPS, STS, History, Philosophy, Women's Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, and Religious Studies. Papers from all periods are welcome.  Submissions should be sent no later than 26 February 2010 in order to be considered for the 2010 issue.

5. New book by Sandra Mitchell, Unsimple Truths: Science, Complexity, and Policy.  Mitchell draws from diverse fields including psychiatry, social insect biology, and studies of climate change to defend "integrative pluralism"-a theory of scientific practices that makes sense of how many natural and social sciences represent the multi-level, multi-component, dynamic structures they study.

6. New book by Christine Keiner, The Oyster Question: Scientists, Watermen, and the Maryland Chesapeake Bay since 1880.  This book explores the contentious history of Chesapeake oyster conservation politics with a special focus on the efforts of William Keith Brooks and other biologists to promote private aquaculture.

7. New book by John Protevi, Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic.  Protevi investigates the relationship between the social and the somatic: how our bodies, minds, and social settings are intricately and intimately linked.

8. Call for abstracts for the International Conference "History of Science in Practice", Athens, Greece from 6-9 May 2010.  The conference will explore the possibilities of putting history of science into practice, both in teaching and in communication with the public.  Abstracts should be uploaded electronically between 1 December 2009 and 15 February 2010.

9. The School of Life Sciences at Arizon State University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level beginning Fall, 2010. A Ph.D. is required in an area directly related to our Biology and Society Program, including for example, in areas of Bioscience Ethics, History of Biology or Biomedical Sciences, or Philosophy of Biology or Biomedical Sciences.  The initial closing date is January 4, 2010, with applications reviewed weekly thereafter until the search is closed.

10. Now online: A book by Joel Hagen, Douglas Allchin & Fred Singer, Doing Biology. Hagen, Allchin and Singer present 17 historical cases studies in a guided inquiry format.

11. New book by Mark V. Barrow, Jr., Nature's Ghosts: Confronting Extinction from the Age of Jefferson to the Age of Ecology. Nature's Ghosts explores how American naturalists have engaged with the issue of wildlife extinction, especially human-caused extinction, from the end of the eighteenth century to the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

12. Call for abstracts for "Integrated History and Philosophy of Science - &HPS3," Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, September 23-26, 2010.  They solicit contributions that exemplify the combination of historical and philosophical analysis of science or discuss the possibilities and merits of integrated HPS as a scholarly endeavor. The deadline for submission of abstracts for &HPS3 is January 31, 2010

**************************** End of announcements **************************

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Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

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