Would the CSS wiki would be a good place to do this? Debbie Dale Trexel wrote: > Too bad there isn't some sort of group-editable online document where > people could add themselves to a list of Google Wave users, rather than > sending out all these emails... > > > Ken Loomis wrote: >> Add me to the list: >> >> [log in to unmask] >> >> >> Wendy Volkman wrote: >>> And also [log in to unmask] >>> >>> ________________________________ >>> >>> Wendy Volkman >>> Web Manager >>> Office of Human Resources >>> >>> >>> Terry Guggenbuehl wrote: >>>> another: >>>> >>>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>> >>>> _______________ >>>> Terry Guggenbuehl, Technology Coordinator >>>> >>>> Swenson College of Science and Engineering >>>> University of Minnesota - Duluth >>>> 218-726-7136 >>>> 250 Engineering Building >>>> >>>> /http://www.d.umn.edu/scse/ >>>> >>>> On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Maureen Smith wrote: >>>> >>>>> And me: >>>>> >>>>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>> Please add me to any UM waves. >>>>> >>>>> ~ >>>>> Maureen Smith >>>>> Learning Technologies Specialist >>>>> Office of Professional Curriculum >>>>> College of Pharmacy >>>>> University of Minnesota >>>>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>> ----- Original Message ----- >>>>> *From:* Krista Gallagher <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> *To:* [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 02, 2009 11:05 AM >>>>> *Subject:* Re: [CSS-DEV] Google Wave >>>>> >>>>> Here's mine >>>>> >>>>> [log in to unmask] >>>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Sam Gaard wrote: >>>>> > Received mine on turkey day: [log in to unmask] >>>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> > > Let's wave! >>>>> > > _Sam >>>>> > > On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Garrett Kuchta wrote: >>>>> > >> Just received mine the other day as >>>>> well. [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >> >>>>> >> cheers, >>>>> >> >>>>> >> garrett >>>>> >> >>>>> >> Karoline Dehnhard wrote: >>>>> >>> Just wanted to let everyone know that the link I provided got >>>>> me a Google Wave invite in a little less than a month. Here is my >>>>> address: [log in to unmask] >>>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>> So far I just looked at the screen and thought: now what? (I >>>>> skipped the long video but will go back to it to get some hints!) >>>>> I'm excited to make this useful somehow! Judging by how quite it >>>>> is elsewhere, this must be where the action is. I hope I am right! >>>>> >>> Karoline >>>>> >>> Karoline Dehnhard wrote: >>>>> >>>> For those who have not received or even asked for a Google >>>>> wave invite (like me!) here is where you can make a request >>>>> directly to Google: >>>>> https://services.google.com/fb/forms/wavesignup/ >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> On Nov 3 2009, manda lo wrote: >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>> playing around. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> i'm [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> manda >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Patrick Haggerty wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Hey John, >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Interested in being Google Wave buddies? I just sent my >>>>> Wave address to the Dev Group, but I'll give you it here: >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> [log in to unmask] >>>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Thanks! >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Pat >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> --------------------------------------- >>>>> >>>>>> Patrick Haggerty >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Office of Information Technology >>>>> >>>>>> University of Minnesota Email: [log in to unmask] >>>>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>>> Phone: 612-626-5807 >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> On 11/3/09 10:47 AM, John Brian Becker wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>> I just received my Google Wave invite a few days ago. If >>>>> there are any in progress University of Minnesota Google Waves, I >>>>> would like to be added to those waves. >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>> Thanks, >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>> JB >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>> John Brian Becker >>>>> >>>>>>> 220 Cooke Hall >>>>> >>>>>>> School of Kinesiology >>>>> >>>>>>> 612.625.1007 >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>> David Naughton wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>>> +1 >>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>> How about if those of us on Wave share our addresses? >>>>> I'm [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>. >>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 09:36:28AM -0500, Tony Thomas >>>>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>>> I'm not sure how many of us at the U have preview access >>>>> to Google Wave yet, but it might be interesting to try to set up >>>>> a Wave for the >>>>> >>>>>>>>> Web Dev meetings as a way to discuss the meeting topics >>>>> and follow up >>>>> >>>>>>>>> with resources, links & etc. from the presenters. There >>>>> may not be time to get it going today, but perhaps at a future >>>>> meeting. >>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>>> I've had the opportunity to use Wave for real-time >>>>> collaboration recently. It's handy, even if still a little buggy. >>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>>> My thought was one Wave per meeting. The Twin Cities >>>>> Wave has been fun, but has grown into monster. There's something >>>>> to be said for limiting the subject matter IMO. >>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> > > --- >>>>> > Sam Gaard | Web Manager | Northrop >>>>> > University of Minnesota >>>>> > 612-735-6968 | [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >>>>> > http://northrop.umn.edu >>>>> >>>>