Drop the "wmode=transparent" from the <embed> tag to fix that. There are lots of weird issues with QT embeds in Safari in SL. Cookies not being passed (only if safari is running 64bit), server not being contacted, etc. It's annoying enough that the next release of MM will use the video tag for Safari4 QT playback, as it doesn't seem to have any of the same issues. -Colin On Dec 3, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Sam Gaard wrote: > Can someone with Snow Leopard (10.6.x) check if they can play the top video on this page's Media tab: http://northrop.umn.edu/event/pilobolus ?? > > I can't recreate the problem on any of my coworkers macs, I'm the only one with Snow Leopard. I can't push the play button on the embedded .mp4 file with Safari in 10.6.2. > > Any assistance would be great. > > Thanks! > --- > Sam Gaard | Web Manager | Northrop > University of Minnesota > 612-735-6968 | [log in to unmask] > http://northrop.umn.edu -------------------------------------------------- Colin McFadden CLA Video Services University of Minnesota Email: [log in to unmask] Office: (612)-626-6646 Cell: (612)-702-0779 Fax: (612)-624-0017