Hello Fellow AMSAers!
There are several opportunities coming up in the next few months that I wanted to let you all know about.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, contact Divya ([log in to unmask]) for more information.
This July 3-7 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, the Presbyterian church (PCUSA), in association with the African Health Action, will be doing HIV tests on their pastors, who are all convening for their national General Assembly meeting here in the Twin Cities. The idea is to have church leaders get tested so that they can say to their congregations back home that they have been tested in order to help break down the stigma associated with HIV testing. In addition, the testing will be open to any community members who wish to be tested those days. The med students could assist with the intake process and educating the participants about the tests as they cue up. The certified testers will administer the tests and debrief the results. There are contingencies in place for positive test results, with referrals to HCMC and the Westminster Presbyterian Counseling center. Rev Denise Dunbar Perkins will be available to effectively minister to the Racial-Ethnic communities. There will also be two chaplains on call from the General Assembly, and an MFT from the Westminster Counseling Center competent with caring for GLBT clients.
This July 17-18, the Region 8 Director (Rachel Zaudtke, a third year at USD) is hosting the regional COC. While the conference is directed at chapter officers, it is open to any AMSA member. If you are at all interested in getting involved with AMSA over the course of the next year, I strongly suggest you consider attending the conference. All housing and food will be provided. Transportation to Sioux Falls, SD is to be arranged on your own, but there may be some funding available for reimbursement. This will be a great opportunity to network with other leaders and members in our region, to get ideas for programming, and of course to have an incredibly fun weekend!
The Minnesota chapter of PNHP has been talking to leaders in students organizations of our med school about endorsing the Minnesota Health Plan and advocating for a single payer healthcare system. If you are interested, please consider reading and signing PNHP's resolution (http://www.pnhpminnesota.org/). Seeing as how the two groups share many of the same goals and values, National AMSA has already been highly involved with PNHP. In addition, there will be a new medical student chapter of PNHP starting up soon. If you are interested in lobbying, letter writing, educating our community about single-payer, or other political activities, consider getting involved. More information will be sent out later.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Divya Sood
University of Minnesota Medical School, MS1
AMSA President