And, of course, I meant that this Thur. is our last regularly-scheduled meeting of 2009-2010! See, I'm already proving that I need to take a break from this. =) On Jun 14, 2010, at 4:20 PM, Kristofer Layon wrote: > Hello, > > This Thursday is our last regularly-scheduled web standards meeting of 2010-2011! To RSVP, please use the familiar web form at: > > > > And if you have any topics to suggest, please email me at [log in to unmask] and we can discuss this month's agenda. It's pretty much wide open right now. > > ...with one exception. You'll recall that I put out a request on the list earlier this spring to see whether someone else would be willing to step into the planning and leadership role for this group. It's been a wonderful opportunity to help establish and plan our UMN Web Standards meetings, but I decided that after doing this for a while, I would be happy to have someone else take on this role. So I'm pleased to announce that Dan Sagisser, Media Producer and Web Designer in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), has volunteered to lead UMN Web Standards. > > So part of Thursday will be devoted to me introducing Dan, and to have him solicit ideas or help for planning the upcoming 2010-2011 meeting season. > > Sincerely, > > Kris Layon > UMN Web Standards > > > Kristofer D. Layon > Director of Web Design & Online Collaboration > 612.624.4545 : [log in to unmask] : > - - - - - - > Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration > University of Minnesota Twin Cities > > > >