Hi Kristin,

Sorry for my late reply to your email but your questions, and then Jennie's reply yesterday, made me think that you may not be aware of the full range of options, given that your email did not ask about selling an iOS app (only distributing it, presumably for free).

As Apple explains it, their iOS Developer University Program might be a solution for you:

"The iOS Developer University Program allows students and professors within the same team to share their development applications with each other through email, or by posting them to a private website for presentation and grading purposes."

(from http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/university/ )

The wording suggests that app distribution, in this case, is primarily for courses where students are developing their own apps. But depending on the University Program's mechanism for limiting distribution, it may still be possible to do free app distribution for curriculum needs as long as it's via private website.

I've only distributed apps via the regular Developer Program and the App Store (and not for the U, but rather for my own consulting projects), so I can't fully vouch for the University Program option.  But I wanted to point it out in case it could work for you.  You may want to email Mike McGraw, our Apple account representative, for more details ([log in to unmask]).  He should also know if there is anyone on campus already licensed to use Apple's University or Enterprise Programs.

Kris Layon

Kristofer D. Layon
Web Design & Social Media
612.624.4545  :  [log in to unmask]  :  http://twitter.com/klayon
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Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

On Sep 27, 2010, at 12:05 PM, Kristin Dean wrote:

Hello Community,

One of the programs I work with is in the process of testing and finalizing an iPhone/iPad/iTouch app we created.   Thus, I am beginning to think about distribution. I was wondering if you could possibly answer a couple of questions....

Have any of you distributed any iPhone(iPad,iTouch apps etc...) yet? 

If so, did you distribute through iTunes or through an enterprise license?

I want to control who can download it since it is content that is part of a curriculum that users pay for, so I would prefer to use the enterprise solution. So a couple of questions in that direction:

1. Do you know if the University owns an enterprise license already? If yes, do you know whom I would contact for access?
2. If we have to set up our own enterprise license, have any of you gone through that process? If so, do you have any tips for making the process go smoothly?

Thank you for any help you can give,

Kristin Dean
Media Director
University of Minnesota
Institute on Community Integration
Research and Training Center on Community Living
150 Pillsbury Dr. SE
212 Pattee Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455