Hi all: I am leading an organizational blog for my department that will launch soon, and trying to set up systems to automate my processes. Does anyone know how to get UThink / Moveable Type to notify me by RSS or e-mail when one of my bloggers has posted an entry? They are all designated as 'contributors" and I am the blog administrator. Similarly, how can can I get UThink to notify my bloggers by e-mail or RSS feed when someone has commented on their entry? Thanks for any advice you have. Best, Ann -- *Ann Nordby* Web Manager *University of Minnesota | *Extension Center for Youth Development McNamara Alumni Center 200 Oak Street SE, #270B Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA 1-612-624-2581 [log in to unmask] extension.umn.edu/youth <http://www1.extension.umn.edu/youth>