Along with MediaMill, depending on the player that you use, the player 
may have some additional analytics tools available.  I know that the JW 
Player by Longtail Video (http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/) has a 
Google Analytics plugin that allows you to get more detailed information 
on the number of video plays, how long the videos are played for, and 
some other information.  Information on this plugin can be found at 

-Jeremy J. Casper
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University Relations

On 4/19/11 11:34 AM, Kathleen McGee wrote:
> Does the university have a analytics tool for tracking the number of 
> users who viewed a particular video on the University of Minnesota 
> site or is there a way to do this within media mill? Thanks in advance 
> for your help.
> -- 
> Kathleen McGee
> Web Architect
> Carlson School of Management
> c: 612-624-7787