Hi Dan,
We have a general PHP feed parser with HTML templates. I've only used
it with UThink and the U's Events Calendar, but the templates should
allow for customization of other feeds.

However, I would like to review Google Feed API. Maybe I could get
over the delayed JS so that we don't have to maintain our parser


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Dan Sagisser <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the college of ed, we have everything in ASP.  And we have this awesome
> tool some folks made that is an ASP feed parser.  It basically says "what's
> the link to the feed?" and "what's the link to the xslt to figure out how to
> display it".  I love it, but I'm working on a project that needs a PHP
> version.
> Does anyone know of/use one they could recommend?
> Thanks!
> -Dan
> --
> Dan Sagisser
> Information Architect and Project Manager
> College of Education and Human Development
> Phone: 612-626-1325
> www.cehd.umn.edu

Dan Kunitz
Web Project Manager
College of Liberal Arts OIT

131D Anderson Hall
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