I would very much like to see an upgrade to Urchin 7. Here's why:
- The reports are much more intuitive and granular. Actionable date is easier to access.
- Segmentation (great for determining success of social media campaigns or how mobile users are using the site, for example)
- The Urchin Help Center will now be covering version 7 instead of 6.
- The reports are much more analytics industry standard.
- Integration with Google AdWords
- Event tracking (great for clients posting videos)
- 404 reports (also available from Google Webmaster)
Google Analytics would still be my first choice as the official U stat program, but Urchin 7 would be a big improvement, I think.
(n.b. I speak just for myself and not necessarily my unit.)
Jessica Franken
University of Minnesota Extension
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:44 AM, John Starr
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I am trying to determine if we want to upgrade our webstats software from it current version, Urchin 6 to the latest version Urchin 7. With that in mind, I would like to know what you see as short comings of the current version or what reports / features you would need to make the webstats more valuable to you. If you'd like to see what Google advertises as Urchin 7 features, you can look at http://www.google.com/urchin/features.html
Thanks for your feedback,
John Starr
Business Analyst
Office of Information Technology - Point Solutions
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
(612) 624-3668
Jessica Franken
University of Minnesota Extension
Center for Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences