Holy moly, Web Standardistas, it's almost time for fall semester to start!
To celebrate/prepare/freak out accordingly, please join us for the *Fall
Kickoff Happy Hour* on Thursday, August 25th at the Aster Cafe from 4:00 -
6:00 PM.

The Aster is a cozy spot on St. Anthony Main with awesome views of the
Mississippi and downtown Minneapolis, and awesome-r happy hour specials ($3
taps and house wines? It's true!). MinneWebCon will be providing platters of
gourmet cheese for noshing.

In order to have appropriate amounts of FREE CHEESE, please RSVP by *Thursday,
August 23* at the Web Standards site: http://www.webstandards.umn.edu/

Other details: FREE CHEESE
And: Really nice web people

We hope you can join us next week!
-Amanda Costello and Tony Thomas, event organizers and friends of cheese

Amanda Costello
Web & Communications Specialist, Dept. of Family Social Science
College of Education & Human Development - University of Minnesota
290c McNeal Hall
1985 Buford Ave
St Paul, MN 55108
Tel: 612-624-7854
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web: http://www.cehd.umn.edu/fsos