[log in to unmask]" type="cite"> Hello Web Folks,
We are interested in trying to feed our google calendar into our website via feeds. The challenge we're facing is, we have multiple calendars. How do we feed a select set of our event calendars into our site in chronological order from date of event and not date of posting the event? This is the setup we're trying to use, but it only pulls one calendar from our account which I assume is our first created calendar.
Tim Beaufoy
Web Developer/Designer
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota
612-625-3218Room A-302 Mayo MMC 197
420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
-- ----------------------------- Kim Doberstein User Interface Designer Academic Support Resources (ASR) 160 Williamson Hall University of Minnesota 612-625-8376 | [log in to unmask] Rah Rah Rah - Ski-U-Mah