Holy moly, Web Standardistas, it's almost time for fall semester to start! To celebrate/prepare/freak out accordingly, please join us for the Fall Kickoff Happy Hour on Thursday, August 25th at the Aster Cafe from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.The Aster is a cozy spot on St. Anthony Main with awesome views of the Mississippi and downtown Minneapolis, and awesome-r happy hour specials ($3 taps and house wines? It's true!). MinneWebCon will be providing platters of gourmet cheese for noshing.In order to have appropriate amounts of FREE CHEESE, please RSVP by Thursday, August 23 at the Web Standards site: details: FREE CHEESEPlus: FREE CHEESEAnd: Really nice web peopleWe hope you can join us next week!-Amanda Costello and Tony Thomas, event organizers and friends of cheese
Amanda Costello
Web & Communications Specialist, Dept. of Family Social Science
College of Education & Human Development - University of Minnesota
290c McNeal Hall
1985 Buford Ave
St Paul, MN 55108
Tel: 612-624-7854
Email: [log in to unmask]