Dear TRB Congestion Pricing Committee members: This year a total of 31 papers have been assigned to the Congestion Pricing Committee for review, and they are listed below. We need to have at least 3 reviews completed for each paper no later than September 15. Please identify which papers you wish to review from the list and rank these in the order of your preference, responding as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, August 15, by noon Eastern. I will allocate papers for your review based on your preferences, by close of business on August 15. There are training "webinars" for paper reviewers if you are new to the process. Please go to the link below to check the upcoming training sessions. The upcoming calendar for these webinars, and archived recordings/documents from past webinars, are posted here: Please contact Brie Schwartz ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) if you have any questions on the system set up and log-in, and the training sessions. Thanks, Ken Buckeye Congestion Pricing Committee, TRB Paper Review Manager Office of Policy Analysis Research and Innovation Minnesota Department of Transportation 395 John Ireland Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 ph. 651.366.3737 Cell 612.388.1672 [log in to unmask] ABE25 - Congestion Pricing All Papers Number Title Lead Author 12-4723 Effects of time-varying toll pattern on social welfare. The case of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.<> Gragera, Albert 12-4634 Behavioral Analysis for Variable Toll Lanes<> Hanley, Paul 12-4465 Efficiency and Equity of Pricing Strategies for Cars and Transit<> Gonzales, Eric 12-4412 Impact of Peak and Off-Peak Tolls on Traffic in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Corridor<> Barnes, Ian 12-4388 Findings from the Third National Symposium on Mileage-Based User Fees<> Wood, Nicholas 12-3771 Aggregating VMT Within Predefined Geographic Zones by Cellular Assignment: A Non-GPS Based Approach to Mileage-Based Road Use Charging<> Davis, Brian 12-3719 Implementing Vehicle Mileage Fees to Maximize Public Acceptability<> Baker, Richard 12-3714 Evaluating the Impacts of Placing Tolls on Interstate Highways<> PLOTNIKOV, MICHAEL 12-3636 A new approach for finding optimal toll in HOT lanes without using bi-level programming: a case study in Tehran<> Ghatee, Mehdi 12-3586 An Empirical Analysis of Success and Failure Factors for Public-Private Partnerships in Toll Road Investments<> Taothong, Sathita 12-3443 A Study on Route Choice Behavior under Toll Adjustment by Tailor-Made Type Stated Preference Survey<> Uno, Nobuhiro 12-3347 The Value of Travel Time and Reliability of Houston Managed Lane Travelers-Evidence from Stated Preference Survey and Actual Usage Data<> Devarasetty, Prem Chand 12-3308 Identifying Demand Responsiveness to Parking and Cordon Pricing Policy<> Ahmadi Azari, Kian 12-3137 Transaction Costs and Tradable Mobility Credits<> Nie, Yu 12-3001 Investigating Boundary Issues Arising from Congestion Charging<> Ge, Yingen 12-2807 CONGESTION PRICING STRATEGIES TO INVESTIGATE THE POTENTIAL OF ROUTE DIVERSION ON TOLL FACILITIES USING EN-ROUTE GUIDANCE<> Abou-Senna, Hatem 12-2353 Freeway Booking Policy: Public Discourse and Acceptability Analysis<> Chung, Younshik 12-2101 Slow Down, You Move Too Fast: The Use of Tolls by Taxicabs in New York City<> King, David 12-2098 Measuring per-mile risk for pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance<> Ferreira, Joseph 12-1853 Do Travelers Pay for Managed Lane Travel as They Claimed They Would? : A Before-After Study of Houston Katy Freeway Travelers <> Devarasetty, Prem Chand 12-1829 WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR HOT LANES- EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS From I-15 AND I-394<> Burris, Mark 12-1565 Welfare effects of Stockholm congestion charges<> Börjesson, Maria 12-1429 Impacts of road user charges on individual welfare - a pre-inauguration study for Germany -<> Raub, Katharina 12-1365 The Impact Of Congestion Charging On Traffic Volumes: Evidence From London.<> Tuerk, Alina 12-1248 Managed Arterials: A New Application of the Managed Lanes Concept<> Poole, Robert 12-0443 The politics of urban congestion pricing: cautionary tales from New York City<> Gordon, Cameron 12-0416 Assessment Of Public Perception Of User-based Fees And Tolls To Finance Transportation<> Pande, Anurag 12-0315 IMPLEMENTING AN URBAN TOLL: TIME SAVINGS FOR SOCIETY. THE CASE OF MADRID<> Valdés, Cristina 12-0252 Equity Evaluation of Vehicle Miles Traveled Fees in Texas<> Larsen, Lisa 12-0151 The role of volume-delay functions in forecast and evaluation of congestion charging schemes, application to Stockholm<> van Amelsfort, Dirk 12-0017 A SIMPLIFIED METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATING DISTANCE-BASED AREA CONGESTION PRICING SCHEMES<> Tezcan, Huseyin