Hello AMSA, My name is Rana Mohammed and I am the vice-president of Pre-Med AMSA this year at the U of MN and we would like to invite you to our event listed below. We hope that you can come and support this great cause! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- On behalf of Pre-Med American Medical Student Association and Beta Chi Theta Fraternity, Inc. we would like to formally invite you to the Hunger Banquet at the Great Hall in Coffman Memorial Union. The main reason for this event is to raise money and awareness on the current crisis in the Horn of Africa. All of the proceeds will be going to the Feed My Starving Children organization to help provide food for those children in need. What we have planned is a truly unique event; bringing together artists, speakers, and raffles all to raise awareness regarding the atrocious conditions across the globe. No matter how hard we try we will never be able to experience what these children are going through but we can show a glimpse of there hardships and efforts to survive. The event will take place on Monday, September 26th starting at 6 PM. The doors will be closed at 6:30 PM and the event will last until 9:30 PM. The admission is $5 pre-sale which provides 20 meals ($0.24 per meal) and $6 at the door. There is also an option of purchasing a $5 ticket at the door with a canned food donation. The tickets will be sold at the contact tables in Coffman Memorial Union on September 19th from noon to 3 pm, September 20th from 10 am to 3 pm and September 21st from noon to 3 pm. You may also contact Isa Wazirzada at [log in to unmask], Felix Hung Lee at [log in to unmask], or Rana Mohammed at [log in to unmask] to purchase tickets or for additional information. Please forward this information to the rest of your student organization and we hope to see you there. Sincerely, Pre-Med AMSA and Beta Chi Theta Fraternity, Inc. -- Rana Mohammed [log in to unmask] University of Minnesota- Twin Cities Pre-Med AMSA Vice President College of Liberal Arts (952)393-4734