*Some notes from An Event Apart Minneapolis 2011* An Event Apart was an amazing three-day conference, filled with great sessions, conversations, networking, and parties. After (well, actually, during) the conference, I found several sets of conference notes posted publicly. I've shared these with some people, but I never got around to sending these to the list as a whole. Here ya go: *Luke Wroblewski's notes:* http://www.lukew.com/ff/archive.asp?tag&aeaminneapolis2011 In case you haven't seen his notes, Luke publishes detailed, public notes of most conferences he attends -- look around his "Writings" section for archives of the last decade of great conferences. This page is a gold mine: http://www.lukew.com/ff/ *Additional "Nuggets" from Ivan Stegic:* https://aeaminneapolis.backpackit.com/pub/2067173-aea-mpls-day-1-nuggets https://aeaminneapolis.backpackit.com/pub/2066405-nuggets-from-an-event-apart-minneapolis *A Brief History of Web Standards* (infographic): http://www.vitamintalent.com/dotAsset/a06c1aab-696f-492d-9d7b-9115de98a6da *Finally, Sketch Notes from Mike Rohde -- **I was blown away by these --** he draws these live, just like this:* http://rohdesign.com/weblog/2011/8/15/an-event-apart-minneapolis-sketchnotes.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/rohdesign/sets/72157627257082843/ For future conferences, here is the main site: http://aneventapart.com/ Blaine Cross On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Dan Sagisser <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Just a reminder, tomorrow is the next Web Standards meeting! > > *The subject will be conferences*, what you've attended and liked, and > what you've gotten out of then. > > So come share, or just see what other people have to say about their own > experiences. > > So far, we've got at least... > > - Higher Ed Web > - Event Apart > - MinneWebCon > - IA Summit > > Have one you'd like to tell everyone about, but it's not on the list? Then > be sure to come and share! > > *Topic:* Conference Round Up > *Location:* 101 Walter Library > *Time:* As always, pizza and networking from about 11:30 to noon, then > we'll start talking conferences! > > Please RSVP at: > http://www.saa.umn.edu/webstandards/register > > > -- > Dan Sagisser > Information Architect and Project Manager > College of Education and Human Development > Phone: 612-626-1325 > www.cehd.umn.edu > > -- Blaine Cross Web Developer | New Media Group | Marketing College of Continuing Education | University of Minnesota 280 CECC, 1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108 612-625-5569 www.cce.umn.edu