Some notes from An Event Apart Minneapolis 2011
An Event Apart was an amazing three-day conference, filled with great sessions, conversations, networking, and parties. After (well, actually, during) the conference, I found several sets of conference notes posted publicly. I've shared these with some people, but I never got around to sending these to the list as a whole. Here ya go:
Luke Wroblewski's notes:
In case you haven't seen his notes, Luke publishes detailed, public notes of most conferences he attends -- look around his "Writings" section for archives of the last decade of great conferences. This page is a gold mine:
Additional "Nuggets" from Ivan Stegic:
A Brief History of Web Standards (infographic):
Finally, Sketch Notes from Mike Rohde -- I was blown away by these -- he draws these live, just like this:
Blaine Cross
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Dan Sagisser
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Just a reminder, tomorrow is the next Web Standards meeting!
The subject will be conferences, what you've attended and liked, and what you've gotten out of then.
So come share, or just see what other people have to say about their own experiences.
So far, we've got at least...
- Higher Ed Web
- Event Apart
- MinneWebCon
- IA Summit
Have one you'd like to tell everyone about, but it's not on the list? Then be sure to come and share!
Topic: Conference Round Up
Location: 101 Walter Library
Time: As always, pizza and networking from about 11:30 to noon, then we'll start talking conferences!
Please RSVP at:
Dan Sagisser
Information Architect and Project Manager
College of Education and Human Development
Phone: 612-626-1325
Blaine Cross
Web Developer | New Media Group | Marketing
College of Continuing Education | University of Minnesota
280 CECC, 1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108