Most excellent.

- Darren Byrnes

On 2/13/12 3:23 PM, Dan Sagisser wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">Hello everyone!

The next Web Standards meeting is this Friday!

This month's session will we about WordPress.  If you've never used WordPress come and learn more about it, if you've been using WordPress forever, then come and share some of your experience and knowledge.  This will be a real combination of a presentation (from a few folks who have been using it for varies uses), and a chance for everyone to share and ask questions.

Topic: Word Press
Location: 325 Education Sciences
As always, pizza and networking from about 11:30 to noon, then we'll start the presentation.

Please RSVP at:

PS: Want to just know the dates, times, places, and subjects of web standards meetings?  Try the Google Calendar!

Dan Sagisser
Information Architect and Project Manager
College of Education and Human Development
Phone: 612-626-1325