Great meeting today! Thanks for letting me share my story of perusing WordPress.
I wanted to share some links for people that might want to experiment with WordPress. For Free!
Instant WordPress for Windows computers:
It is free and it lets you run WordPress right off your desktop so you can test themes and plug ins etc. I have really enjoyed using this program along with Notepad++ for editing the php files and DreamWeaver for editing the CSS.
WordPress on a Mac:
Also free! A little more complicated, at least for me, and it lets you run WordPress as an admin right off your Mac so you can test themes etc.
Having the ability to play with this locally helped a lot in my decision to move forward with WordPress. We still use these tools to test themes before deployment.
Have a great weekend!
Jeffrey Faruk Abuzzahab
Web and Multimedia Lead
College of Education & Human Development
Tel: 612-624-6034 | E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Can't get a hold of me?
Contact the web team at [log in to unmask]